What’s On


Our 9.30am Sunday worship services are varied in format with a mix of contemporary Christian music and hymns. They are live-streamed via YouTube and available to view online later as well. The main Bible reading and message are translated into Korean and other languages as required on screen in real time – part of our multicultural emphasis. Morning tea and a time of fellowship follow the service.

See our latest worship services recorded on Youtube.


Come and join in our community at one of our events. For more information on any event, email contactus@thornleigh-hillcrestuca.org.au

  • Mingles’ Weekend Away
    On July 26-28, it’s our winter weekend at Winda Woppa, a time of bracing coastal walks, hearty shared meals and fireside chats, with a side of retail therapy for some. Be sure to let Di know your plans as beds are limited!
  • Bible Studies on Minor Prophets
    On Thursday evenings, August 1, 8 and 15, David will lead us in exploring Nahum and Habakkuk from the OT. Log in via Zoom for a 7.30pm start.
  • Combined Service June 16
    On Sunday, June 16 there will be NO 9.30am service at Thornleigh Hillcrest Uniting Church as we are meeting at Cherrybrook Uniting Church at 9.30am along with two other congregations.
  • Mingles Trivia Afternoon
    All are welcome to join the Mingles for a fun trivia contest from 1pm on Saturday June 22, with afternoon tea to follow. The location is Wirreanda activity centre, 33 Highs Road, West Pennant Hills. RSVP to Murray please.
  • Bible Studies on Mark
    Over four Thursday evenings, May 30, June 6, 13 and 20, join us as we explore selected passages from the Gospel of Mark, led by Gielie. Rather than venture out on a chilly evening, log in via Zoom ready for a 7.30pm start. Email contactus@thornleigh-hillcrestuca.org.au if you don’t already have the Zoom link and login details.
  • Hospitality Lunch
    On Sunday, June 2, everyone in the church family is invited to lunch at someone’s home. Please keep this date free so you can enjoy quality time and yummy food in a relaxed setting.
  • Fish & Chips with Mingles
    On Saturday May 25, the plan is to travel together by train to Woy Woy for a seafood lunch by the water. If there is trackwork however, this may be changed to a different venue.
  • Pentecost Bible Studies
    On Thursday evenings, May 2, 9 and 16, Rev Alan will explore selected passages from the book of Acts to enrich our understanding of Pentecost and its relevance today. Join us via Zoom from 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. If you don’t have the link to log in, contactus@thornleigh-hillcrestuca.org.au
  • Easter Services
    You’re invited to join us at our Easter services, starting on March 28 at 7.30pm for a Maundy Thursday gathering. Then at 8.00am on Good Friday (March 29), we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus, followed by a morning tea of hot-crossed buns. On Easter Sunday (March 31), we celebrate Christ’s resurrection at 9.30am.
  • Bible Studies on Daniel
    On April 4, 11 and 18, Rev Alan will lead studies on the Old Testament book of Daniel. Described as dealing with the ‘adult’ issues of faith such as evil, persecution, suffering and being Christian in an alien world, these studies will explore issues relevant to us all. Log in via Zoom for a 7.30pm start.


The congregation enjoys a wide range of social and religious activities, both during the week and on weekends. Some of these are listed below.

For more information on any of our activities, phone the minister on 0402 478 240 or email contactus@thornleigh-hillcrestuca.org.au

  • Bible Study
    Groups meet on selected Thursday evenings (via Zoom) for short series of studies, which are themed around seasons such as Advent, Lent and Pentecost, a book of the Bible or a selected topic. As each study stands alone, as well as being part of a series, participants can attend as they’re able. New members are encouraged to join.
  • Cluster Group
    The monthly gatherings give an opportunity for older people to enjoy fellowship and friendship in a social setting. Usually held on the third Saturday of the month, meetings include daytime outings to places of interest using public transport, guest speaker evenings and a mid-winter potluck dinner. New members are very welcome.
  • English conversation classes (recommencing soon)
    Meeting times and days are under review and we expect to recommence meetings early in 2024.
  • Men’s coffee and chat
    Providing a social outlet for older men from the church and community on most Monday mornings, the group chats over morning tea, with wide-ranging topics and points of view explored. 
  • Mingles (married and singles)
    Usually meeting on the fourth Saturday of the month, Mingles go on bushwalks, visit gardens, meet at a café for breakfast, gather around a firepit, enjoy restaurant meals, have a winter weekend away and more. Adults of all ages are embraced.
  • Music team
    A group of singers and musicians meets each Tuesday or Wednesday evening from 7.30pm. For about an hour, they learn new music to enrich our worship services, polish up our known songs as well as adding extra instruments to the mix. New participants are very welcome.
  • Playgroup (suspended for now)
    Catering to preschool aged youngsters and their carers, this group meets for crafts, free play, music, storytime, morning tea and more. Fridays from 10am-12pm during school terms.
  • Special interest groups (SIGs)
    Linked by a shared passion, participants meet up to do various things: stitch prayer quilts and create church banners; explore diverse locations by train and chat over lunch; play with photography and more. 
  • Additional activities
    Additional activities are organised during the year such as church dinners and picnics, a hospitality lunch, retreats and special services, family high tea, Market Day, working bees and so on. Check out the Events tab for details.