What’s On
Our 9.30am Sunday worship services are varied in format with a mix of contemporary Christian music and hymns. They are live-streamed via YouTube and available to view online later as well. The main Bible reading and message are translated into Korean and other languages as required on screen in real time – part of our multicultural emphasis. Morning tea and a time of fellowship follow the service.
See our latest worship services recorded on Youtube.
Come and join in our community at one of our events. For more information on any event, email contactus@thornleigh-hillcrestuca.org.au
- Induction of our new ministerSave the date! On Wednesday, February 5 at 7pm, we formally induct Rev. Gielie Loubser as our minister in placement for the next five (or more) years. All are welcome.
- Mingles planning meetingOn Saturday, January 25 from 5.30pm, Mingles will meet to enjoy finger food and fellowship, with a little time set aside to plan the activities for 2025. More details from Liz.
- January activitiesDuring the holidays, some groups pause and others continue. The men’s coffee and chat continues as usual on Monday mornings, and the photography group has a 12-month program. However, Monday Craft is in recess until February 3, and the Cluster group is also in recess at this time. Worship continues at 9.30am on Sundays in person and online.
- 8am Christmas Day ServiceOn Wednesday, December 25, join us for a joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus at the special time of 8am, leaving plenty of time for family festivities or kitchen duties later.
- Christmas Around the WorldOn December 7 from 4-7pm, we warmly invite family, friends and community members to join us to enjoy a selection of international foods, games and activities with a Christmas theme. There’s free face painting for the kids, a nativity-themed photo booth for families, crafts and more.
- Advent Bible studiesOur final series of studies for 2024 has the theme of Advent as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Dates are November 28, December 5 and 12 from 7.15pm via Zoom.
- Mingles Christmas PartyOn Saturday, November 23 from 6pm, join us for a barbeque at the Dural clubhouse. BYO meat and drinks, a Kris Kringle gift and salad or dessert to share. More details from Gill.
- Mingles to ManlyOn Saturday, October 26, Mingles will catch a ferry to Manly and enjoy lunch together there. More details from Sue and Brian.
- Bible StudiesThe theme for the next three studies is Intertestamental Palestine – the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments. We’ll learn something of the world that Jesus was born into and perhaps understand why He came then. Join via Zoom on Thursday evenings for a 7.30pm start: October 17, 24 and 31.
- Hospitality Lunch October 20You’re invited to join a small group for lunch in a member’s home. It’s a great chance to enjoy a longer chat than over coffee without a meeting agenda. Be sure to keep the date free!
The congregation enjoys a wide range of social and religious activities, both during the week and on weekends. Some of these are listed below.
For more information on any of our activities, phone the minister on 0402 478 240 or email contactus@thornleigh-hillcrestuca.org.au
- Bible StudyGroups meet on selected Thursday evenings (via Zoom) for short series of studies, which are themed around seasons such as Advent, Lent and Pentecost, a book of the Bible or a selected topic. As each study stands alone, as well as being part of a series, participants can attend as they’re able. New members are encouraged to join.
- Cluster GroupThe monthly gatherings give an opportunity for older people to enjoy fellowship and friendship in a social setting. Usually held on the third Saturday of the month, meetings include daytime outings to places of interest using public transport, guest speaker evenings and a mid-winter potluck dinner. New members are very welcome.
- English conversation classes (recommencing soon)Meeting times and days are under review and we expect to recommence meetings early in 2024.
- Men’s coffee and chatProviding a social outlet for older men from the church and community on most Monday mornings, the group chats over morning tea, with wide-ranging topics and points of view explored.
- Mingles (married and singles)Usually meeting on the fourth Saturday of the month, Mingles go on bushwalks, visit gardens, meet at a café for breakfast, gather around a firepit, enjoy restaurant meals, have a winter weekend away and more. Adults of all ages are embraced.
- Music teamA group of singers and musicians meets each Tuesday or Wednesday evening from 7.30pm. For about an hour, they learn new music to enrich our worship services, polish up our known songs as well as adding extra instruments to the mix. New participants are very welcome.
- Playgroup (suspended for now)Catering to preschool aged youngsters and their carers, this group meets for crafts, free play, music, storytime, morning tea and more. Fridays from 10am-12pm during school terms.
- Special interest groups (SIGs)Linked by a shared passion, participants meet up to do various things: stitch prayer quilts and create church banners; explore diverse locations by train and chat over lunch; play with photography and more.
- Additional activitiesAdditional activities are organised during the year such as church dinners and picnics, a hospitality lunch, retreats and special services, family high tea, Market Day, working bees and so on. Check out the Events tab for details.